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Publication list in Biological Sciences

Research and Communications in Biological Sciences
Editorial Board in Biological Sciences

Hunting, Ellard R. [Editor-in-Chief]
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
Department of Aquatic Ecology and Ecotoxicology IBED-AEE
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Sciencepark 904 - NL 1090 GE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
e-mail: E.R.Hunting@uva.nl
Area of Interest: Benthic Ecology of Marine and Aquatic Systems, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning, Bioelectrochemistry, Decomposition, Ecology and Ecophysiology of Mangrove-Sponge Associations.
Barnes, Michael
South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks
McNenny State Fish Hatchery
19619 Trout Loop
Spearfish, SD 57783
U. S. A.
e-mail: mike.barnes@state.sd.us
Area of Interest: Animal Science, Particularly in regards to Aquaculture, Fish Nutrition, and Fish Reproduction.

Reiad, Neama Ahmed
Sanitary and Environmental Department
Housing and Building National Research Center
87 el Tahrir St.
e-mail: neamaahmedreiad@yahoo.com
Area of Interest: Environmental Science, Food Science and Water and Wastewater Treatment.

Chen, Liqiao
Department of Biology
College of Life Science
East China Normal University
Shanghai 200062
P. R. China
e-mail: lqchen@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
Area of Interest: Nutrition and Biochemistry of Aquatic Animals, Molecular genetic in Crustacean and Fish.
Mirzaei, Farhad
Department of Animal production & Management
Animal Science Research Institute of Iran
e-mail: farmir2001@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Eco - Efficiently Livestock Production Management.
Hu, Hongqing
College of Resources and Environment
Huazhong Agricultural University
Wuhan 430070
P. R. China
e-mail: hqhu@mail.hzau.edu.cn
Area of Interest: Soil Science, Particularly Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility, Soil Pollution by Heavy Metals and Remediation.

Bolado, Enrique
Departamento de Ciencias Quimico Biologicas
Universidad de Sonora
Blvd. Luis Encinas y Rosales
Hermosillo, Sonora
Mexico C. P. 83000
e-mail: ebolado@guayacan.uson.mx
Area of Interest: Microbiology and Molecular Biology.

Keatch, Robert P.
Bioengineering Unit, School of Engineering
Physics and Mathematics
University of Dundee
Dundee DD1 4HN
U. K.
e-mail: r.p.keatch@dundee.ac.uk
Area of Interest:

Hafez, Elsayed Elsayed
Arid Lands Cultivation Research Institute (ALCRI)
Plant Protection and Biomolecular Diagnosis Department
City of Scientific Research and Technology Applications
New Borg El Arab City
21934 Alexandria
e-mail: elsayed_hafez@yahoo.com
Area of Interest: Plant Molecular Biology, Human Disease and Human Physiology, Plant Disease and Entomology, Genome Structure and Function, Transcriptomes and Proteomes.

Borroni, Barbara
Department of Neurology
University of Brescia
e-mail: bborroni@inwind.it
Area of Interest: Neurodegenerative Disorders, Dementias, Alzheimer Disease, Parkinson Disease, Movement Disorders.
Metwally, Ayman M.
Technology of Medical Laboratory Department
College of Applied Medical Sciences
Misr University for Science and Technology
e-mail: ayman_doctor@hotmail.com
Area of Interest: Cancer Biology, Cancer Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Stem Cell and Cancer Stem Cell Research.

Korobeinikov, Andrei
Centre de Recerca Matematica
Campus de Bellaterra, Edifici C
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
e-mail: akorobeinikov@crm.cat
Area of Interest: Mathematical Modelling in Biology (Mathematical Biology), and in Particular in Mathematical Epidemiology, and Medicine in General.
Balconi, Michela
Department of Psychology
Catholic University of Milan
Largo Gemelli
1, 20123 Milan
e-mail: michela.balconi@unicatt.it
Area of Interest: Neuroscience, Social Neuroscience, Neuropsychology and Neurophysiology.
Horita, David A.
Department of Biochemistry
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1016
U. S. A.
e-mail: dhorita@wakehealth.edu
Area of Interest: Structural Biology, Protein Interactions, Reactive Oxygen.

Zhang, Panyue

College of Environmental Science and Engineering
Beijing Forestry University
Qinghua East Road 35
Haidian District
Beijing 100083
P. R. China
e-mail: panyue_zhang@bjfu.edu.cn
Area of Interest: Environment Sciences.

Michailidis, Georgios
Laboratory of Physiology of Reproduction of Farm Animals
Department of Animal Production
School of Agriculture
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
54124 Thessaloniki
e-mail: michageo@agro.auth.gr
Area of Interest: Physiology of Reproduction in Farm Animals, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Immunology.

Moubasher, Hani
Department of Botany
Faculty of Science
University of Cairo
e-mail: moubasher54@hotmail.com
Area of Interest: Molecular Biology of Fungi, and Fungal Enzymes, Purification and Molecular Characterization.

Oertel-Knochel, Viola
Laboratory of Neuroscience
Department of Psychiatry
Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University
Heinrich-Hoffmann-Str. 10
D-60590 Frankfurt
e-mail: Viola.Oertel@kgu.de
Area of Interest: Imaging Mostly FMRI and DTI (psychiatric disorders).

Mirzajani, Fateme
Department of Phytochemistry
Medicinal Plants and Drugs Research Institute
Shahid Beheshti University
G. C. Evin
P. O. Box 19835-389
Tehran, Iran
e-mail: F_mirzajani@scientist.com
Area of Interest:Chromatography-Spectrometry Methods, Nanotechnology es: Nanobiotoxicity, Proteomics and Metabolomics (Plant and Bacteria).

Barbato, Roberto
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Ambiente e della Vita
Università del Piemonte Orientale
viale Teresa Michel 11
15121 Alessandria
e-mail: roberto.barbato@mfn.unipmn.it
Area of Interest: Photosynthesis, Membrane Proteins, Light Stress in Plants (both visible and ultraviolet), Heavy Metal Stress, Photosynthesis in Halophytes.

Tufarelli, Vincenzo
DETO – Section of Veterinary Science and Animal Production
University of Bari ‘Aldo Moro’
s.p. Casamassina km 3
70010 Valenzano
e-mail: vincenzo.tufarelli@uniba.it
Area of Interest: Animal Nutrition, Feed Science and Livestock Production.

Georgiev, Vasil
Center for Viticulture and Small Fruit Research
Florida A & M University
6505 Mahan Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32317
U. S. A.
e-mail: vasil.georgiev@famu.edu
Area of Interest: Bioprocess Engineering, Process Control and Optimization, Plant in Vitro Systems, Plant Biotechnology, Agrobacterium Rhizogenes Genetic Transformation, Plant Secondary Metabolites, in Vitro Biological Activities Assays.

Hauschild, Tomasz
Department of Microbiology
Institute of Biology
University of Bialystok
Swierkowa 20 B
15-950 Bialystok
e-mail: thausch@uwb.edu.pl
Area of Interest: Molecular, Environmental and Veterinary Microbiology, Biodiversity and Taxonomy of staphylococci, Staphylococcus Aureus, Antibiotic Resistance.

Hassen, Ahmed Idris
ARC – Plant Protection Research Institute
Biological Nitrogen Fixation Unit
Queenswood 0121
South Africa
e-mail: hassena@arc.agric.za
Area of Interest: Applied Microbiology Focusing in Agriculture (i.e Application of beneficial bacteria in agriculture including Biofertilizers/Biocontrol agents) (ie microorganisms), Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and Symbiotic Biological Nitrogen Fixation.

Murgas, Luis David Solis
Department of Veterinary Medicine
Federal University of Lavras
Mailbox: 3037, Lavras
Minas Gerais 37200-000
e-mail: lsmurgas@ufla.br
Area of Interest: Animal Breeding with Emphasis on Fish and Mammals, Cryopreservation of Semen and Embryos in Mammals and Fish, Articial Insemination, Gamete Quality Assessment and Nutrition-Reproduction Interaction.

Feng, Jianmeng
College of Life Science and Chemistry
Dali University
Dali 671000
P. R. China
e-mail: fjm@pku.org.cn
Area of Interest:

Ollar, Robert-A.
Department of Neurology
New York Medical College
Valhalla, New York
U. S. A.
e-mail: rao48@yahoo.com
Area of Interest:
(a) TB, Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria, and Molecular Mycobacterioloy
(b) Medical and Veterinary Mycology
(c) Infections of the Central Nervous System
(d) Application of Molecular Markers in Pancreatic Cancer
(c) Application of Molecular Markers in Colon Caneer.

Torok, Peter
Department of Ecology
University of Debrecen
Egyetem ter 1.
P. O. Box 71
H-4032, Debrecen
e-mail: molinia@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Plant Ecology, Restoration, Biodiversity, Vegetation Succession, Grasslands, Seed Banks.

Rodrigues, Clara F.
Departamento de Biologia & CESAM
Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitario de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
e-mail: clara.rodrigues@ua.pt
Area of Interest: Ecology of Chemosynthetic Habitats, Microbial Symbiosis, Deep-Sea Ecology, Microbial Ecology and Biodiversity.

Shu, Hung-Yu
Department of Bioscience Technology
Chang Jung Christian University
396, Section 1
Changrong Road
Tainan, 71101
e-mail: hyshu@mail.cjcu.edu.tw
Area of Interest: Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.

Ponce-Soto, Luis Alberto
Laboratorio de Quimica de Proteinas (LAQUIP)
Departamento de Bioquimica
Instituto de Biologia
e-mail: poncesoto@yahoo.com.ar
Area of Interest: Chemistry of Macromolecules (Biochemistry).

Bernabo, Nicola
Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences
University of Teramo
64100 Teramo
e-mail: nbernabo@unite.it
Area of Interest: Physiology of Animal Reproduction, Study of the Signal Transduction Mechanisms Involved in the Sperm Acquisition of Fertilizing Ability.

Bianciotto, Valeria
Instituto Protezione Piante CNR
C/o Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi
Universita di Torino
Viale Mattioli 25
10125 Torino
e-mail: v.bianciotto@ipp.cnr.it
Area of Interest:

Yong-Xiao, Cao
Department of Pharmacology
Xi'an Jiaotong University
College of Medicine
Xi'an, Shaanxi
P. R. China
e-mail: yxy@xjtu.edu.cn
Area of Interest: Pharmacology, and Specific Area is Vascular Pharmacology/Toxicology, Vascular Receptors, Vasomotor System, Organ Culture Techniques, Asthma/Airway Smooth Muscle.

Wang, Jingying
Children's Hospital Boston
Harvard Medical School
320 Longwood Ave.
Boston MA 02115
U. S. A.
e-mail: jingying.wang@childrens.harvard.edu
Area of Interest:
(1) Cell Biology and Development.
(2) Developmental Biology.
(3) Food Science and Nutrition.
(4) Molecular Biology.
(5) Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.
(6) Morphology.
(7) Neurobiology.
(8) Physiology.
(9) Pharmacology and Molecular Medicine.

Gbolagunte, Gbolagade D.
Department of Biological Sciences
Crawford University
Faith City
Igbesa, Ogun State
e-mail: gbola_akande2003@yahoo.com
Area of Interest:
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