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Biological Sciences
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Publication list in Biological Sciences

Research and Communications in Biological Sciences

Author Guidelines
Submission: Papers may be submitted for consideration by one of the following procedures:

1- Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts using The Online Submission link on our website in the case of single file manuscripts in the form of merged pdf or word files. In case the manuscript consists of more than 1 file, please submit the manuscript by e-mail. http://jyotiacademicpress.net/online.php

2- Manuscripts may also be submitted directly to Editorial Head Office by e-mail to rashmi@jyotiacademicpress.net or rcbs@jyotiacademicpress.net.

3- Authors may also send their manuscripts directly to the Editor-in-Chief or any preferred member of the Editorial Board by e-mail with a cc to rashmi@jyotiacademicpress.net.

The submission of a manuscript will be taken to imply that the manuscript is original and has not been submitted or published elsewhere in its present or modified form.

Only manuscripts in English will be considered for publication.

Peer Review: Articles received are immediately assigned to a member of the Editorial Board for initial quality assessment and review. Manuscript may be assessed by members of the editorial board or by consultation of external experts. The journal aims to reach a first editorial decision within 6 weeks after submission, and accommodate manuscripts recommended for publication in the next appearing issue.

Cover Letter: As part of the submission of manuscripts, authors are required to write a letter to the editor detailing (1) the content of the manuscript and its appropriateness for the Journal, and (2) the names and contact information of at least four potential reviewers, experts on the topic of the manuscript, and without any collaboration with the author(s) or any affiliation with the institution(s) of the author(s).

Manuscript Preparation: Authors are strongly advised to consult a recent issue of the Journal and follow the style and general layout of recently published articles. To facilitate peer-review, manuscripts should be prepared in 12-point, Times or Times New Roman font, and double-spaced.

The sequence of the material should be:
  • Title Page
  • Abstract (Max. 300 words, including at least 1 keyword or phrase)
  • Main Text
  • Acknowledgments
  • References
  • Tables
  • Figure legends
  • Figures
  • Appendix (if included).
Manuscript Length: Although there are no length restriction on articles published in Research and Communications in Biological Sciences, authors are strongly advised to prepare concise and focused manuscripts and avoid the use of verbalism.

Figures: Figures should be sent as fair copy on paper, whenever possible scaled to about 200%, or as EPS file (Encapsulated PostScript). In addition, all figures and tables should be numbered and the appropriate space reserved in the text, with the insertion point clearly indicated.

Copyright: It is assumed that the submitted manuscript has not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their articles is transferred to the publisher, if and when, the paper is accepted for publication. Authors are reminded that they should retain a copy of anything submitted for publication since neither the Journal nor the Publisher can accept liability for any loss.

Proofs: PDF proofs of a paper will be sent to the corresponding author or requested otherwise for corrections after the paper is accepted for publication on the basis of the recommendation of referees. Corrections should be restricted to typesetting errors. Authors are advised to check their proofs very carefully before return. Corrected proofs are to be returned to the publishers.

Article Processing Charges: As all the published articles are freely available world-wide for readers and researchers, the authors / institutions of accepted papers should essentially contribute a fraction of the total article processing cost to maintain publication, circulation and archiving of articles. This charge is Euro 400.00 or USD 550.00, and for authors in India INR 15000.00. This charge should be paid prior to publication of the accepted articles during proofs corrections.

Offprint: As the journal is published only in electronic version, published articles will be available to download for everyone without any charge. Authors may download their articles directly from our website, but if requested we may also send the articles via e-mail. After the publication articles can be downloaded free of charge from our website. Jyoti Academic Press provides a set of 25 hardprints of the article to the corresponding author ex-gratis for records and personal use. Authors may also order additional hardprints at their own cost during proofs corrections.
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